FOMOFanz began as a selfish content creation method for me. I was already hosting two interview shows, and running two twitter chats, and I had reached a point of live streaming just to live stream was no longer in my brand strategy.
But I knew I needed something that would keep me in the live streaming game, but I didn't want to manage another podcast or live show with guests and other people's calendars...
So I thought what if I did a solo podcast and could record whenever I want and talk about whatever I want... GENIUS!

Since it's launching, the name has changed from F.O.M.O.Fanz to FOMOFanz to FOMO Fanz and the mission statement went from "Helping you embrace your fear of missing out" to "Helping you cure your fear of missing out." In typical form for content I create, I had a broad "niche" that I would attempt to squeeze into. Still, quickly after 5 episodes, I realized as the CEO of Team No Niche that it was just silly. I would talk about a wide range of topics and bring the conversation back to help understand the changing future...
After launching an interview podcast called "Press The Damn Button," I was presented with the question of what I should do with this podcast.
Should I merge it within FOMOFanz or keep it separate. Press The Damn Button is modeled after my favorite podcast Arm Chair Expert by Dax Shepard. He does a great job of having a mix of content with interviews, live shows, and "expert on expert" that live within Armchair expert but also have separate feeds.
Before, I decided what I was going to do with FOMOFanz March 2020 hit. Then after attempting to record two episodes and not feeling it for the first time in the 4+ years of the show, I realized anything with the concept of "fear" in it while dealing with a pandemic isn't appropriate.
This was also the perfect excuse/valid reason to pause FOMOFanz and move forward with Press The Damn Button. Enter August 2020, 5 months after the pause. I was fielding lots of comments about if the show would come back, and many of 2019 episodes were getting some fantastic downloads still.
So 168 days after pausing the show, it's been renamed, rebranded, and remodeled once again to FOMOFanz: The Bran Fanzo Podcast.
And as I reflect back on the 1,370 days since launching FOMOFanz, I'm genuinely thankful for each and every listener that has given me their time. Allowed me to share my thoughts. Allowed me to use this podcast to rant. Allowed me to vent and in many cases, use this show as my own self-therapy.
I'm genuinely thankful for each of you and excited for what is next!
Restream allows you to stream live video to 30+ social platforms AT THE SAME TIME with Go live on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to reach a wider audience. Restream Live Studio allows you to broadcast directly from your browser and invite guests or co-hosts to your live show. Restream:
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