I’ve had this episode ready to go for many weeks but I wanted to fine tune each of the lessons and be very strategic with how I approached them and give detailed examples and actions we can learn from each.
So hopefully you are in for a longer episode and if you have the pause and come back later I 100% understand that but I FIRMLY BELIEVE that EVERYONE can get something from this episode and hope it will be a favorite episode of yours…
The 6 lessons I breakdown in this episode:
Everyone has Influence & Power:
Everyone can create video but it isn’t as easy as it looks
When everything is Virtual is anything Virtual
What really matters shines bright when we pause not unplug
Transparency & Vulnerability are Non-Negotiable
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
― Benjamin Franklin
Watch the live recording of the podcast below powered by our sponsor Restream!
Links mentioned in this episode
Interview Podcast: Press The Damn Button: www.BrianFanzo.com/Pressthedamnbutton
Brant Menswar new book Black Sheep: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1989603440/?ref=exp_isocialfanz_dp_vv_d
New Virtual Events YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/brianfanzovx
-- Sponsored and Multi-streamed by Restream.io
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